You need to know this before you build a house in Kerala
You need to know this before you build a house in Kerala
Before building your dream home, you need to get permission (permit) from
the respective panchayats. The plan has to be submitted offline as the
software update is currently underway. Earlier it was online. The three set
plan, site plan, service plan and parking plan documents require a
certificate of possession, tax receipt and a copy of the affidavit. Only
plan drawn up and signed by an authorized engineer / supervisor should be
provided. By law, you can start working without a permit if you do not
receive a positive response within 30 days, either positively or negatively.
However, if no reply or permit is received within 30 days, the complaint can
be lodged with the Panchayat President. If no further action is taken, a
complaint may be lodged with the Appellate Authority.
Things to look out for when building a house:
1) Homes with more than 278 square meters are considered as luxury homes.
Under the current law, a person can submit a plan of a three - storey
house up to 10 meters high. The front of the house should not be less than
three meters. Keep a distance of 1.5 m at the back and 1 m on both
If there is no window or door on either side, the size of this side should
be at least 75 cm.
2) If the land area is less, one side can be added to the boundary if there
is a notary approved agreement with the consent of the neighbor. No other
new construction work should be done within 3 meters of the front. All
construction requires designated parking and rainwater harvesting. The well
septic tank should be at a distance of 1.20 m from the boundary and at least
7 m between them.
3) For houses built on land up to three cents, if space is limited, leave a
distance of two meters at the front and one meter at the back. The distance
between the sides should be 90 cm and 60 cm, but the distance should be 3 m
from the road.
4. The building should be constructed within the plan and specified
distances as permitted by the Panchayat Permit. The engineer who draws and
signs the plan, like the owner, bears full responsibility in the event of
any construction defects. Having an understanding with the engineer at each
stage of construction will not cause major difficulties when drawing up the
completion plan later.
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