If it is more than one year late to register birth / death
If you have not registered and received the certificate even after one year
of birth or death, here is what you need to do to get it.
- Obtain Non availability certificate from Panchayat where birth to be registered.
- If birth takes pace in hospital, Affidavit from hospital authority stating details of birth.
- Submit documents 1 & 2 to Revenue Divisional Officer (RDO) along with a request in white paper by father/mother.
- RDO will issue letter to village officer for enquiry of birth.
- Enquiry report of village officer
- Affidavit from father in Rs.200 stamp paper duly notarized (format will provide from RDO office).
- Letter from Father residing Panchayat stating birth not registered there (Not non availability certificate. Only letter in letter head of panchayat)
- Letter from Mother residing Panchayat stating birth not registered there. (If birth takes place in hospital located other than both these panchayats).
- Submit 5, 6, 7 &8 to RDO office
- RDO will issue order to Panchayat to register birth
- Give application to panchayat to issue birth certificate
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