What to do to get a New Ration Card in Kerala?


You can apply for a new ration card in Kerala through Akshaya Centre or through the website of the Department of Civil Supplies.

What are the documents required to apply for a new ration card?

If you are currently a member of any ration card

Ø If the card is to be taken in the same taluk, the consent of the existing card holder

Ø If the card is required in another taluk, the application number of the transfer certificate issued by the supply officer of the said taluk is deducted from the existing card.

If you are not currently a member of the ration card or have moved from other states.

Ø             Ã˜Aadhar Card

Ø Address Proof (Any one of these documents Residential Certificate, 
Ownership Certificate, Basic Tax Receipt, or Rent Agreement)
Ø Income Certificate (Government officials or those earning more than
 Rs 25,000 per month do not need an income certificate.)


How to submit your own application online except through Akshaya Centre ?

    You can apply by creating a user account through the Citizen Login on the website of the Department of Civil Supplies.

How to create a user account through Citizen Login ?

Ø Log in to the website and create a user account by clicking on the link https://ecitizen.civilsupplieskerala.gov.in and fill details.

Ø Answer Pyes to the question whether it is for a new ration card.

Ø Select Taluk Supply Office / City Ration Office.

Ø Enter the login ID (maximum 10 characters), password, email and phone number and click the submit button.

Ø Login by clicking on the verification link that comes with the email id.

Ø After login in with the login ID and password you just created, click on the e-service and then New Ration Card link.

Ø After uploading the required documents, submit and then print the application, sign, scan, upload and click on Final Submit

(SUBMIT ---> PRINT ---> Upload Signed Application ---> FI NAL SUBMIT)

   New ration card will be issued on approval from Taluk Supply Office / City Ration Office.

  If you are a computer literate person you can apply as mentioned above. Otherwise you can come to Akshaya Centre with the required documents and submit the application.

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